

Beautiful Germs (Multi Empty wallpaper)

Beautiful Germs (Empty 1280 x 1024).jpg

Click to view in bigger resolution.
Resolution: 1280 x 1024

Beautiful Germs (Empty 1280 x 800).jpg

Click to view in bigger resolution.
Resolution: 1280 x 800

Created on: Wednesday, December 16, 2009.


I name this "Beautiful Germs" because the ball like thingy looks like germs (too much TV advertisement about their godlike washing machine killing germs).

Note the (Empty wallpaper) at the title, there are another few variation that I did which is (Rock wallpaper), (Sea wallpaper) and (Star wallpaper). Only the background is different, but trust me, it makes a lot of difference to the feel of the wallpaper.

I will be uploading (Rock wallpaper) tomorrow =D.

Remember to check back tomorrow!

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